Dapus reynold 1996
http://eprints.uny.ac.id/29180/4/14%20DAFTAR%20PUSTAKA.pdf WebLudwig JA dan Reynolds JF. 1988. Statistical Ecology: A Primer Methods And Computing. John Wiley & Sons. New York. xviii + 337 h. Maragos, J.E. 1974. Coral transplantation: a …
Dapus reynold 1996
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http://eprints.upnyk.ac.id/24344/5/Daftar%20Pustaka.pdf WebCotter, J. 1996. Accrual and Cash Flow Accounting Models: A Comparison of The Value Relevance and Timeliness of Their Components. Accounting and Finance 36: 127- 150. …
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WebAgustiana. 1996. Pengaruh Pemberian Tepung Kunyit dalam Ransum Ayam Broiler terhadap Kadar Air, pH, dan Total Bakteri Liter. Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang. Agustina, Laily dan S. Purwati. 2009. Ilmu Nutrisi Unggas. Lembaga Pengembangan Sumber Daya Peternakan IDICUS, Makassar. Anton, R. 1980.
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